The mission.

如果喜歡的日常有特定輪廓,空間應該具備能溫柔托起這些日復一日的能力,Gentour Studio 便以此為使命耕耘空間。匯入心理學的觀點,從更能映照人們內心世界的角度切入,室內軟裝設計工作室 Gentour Studio 對空間的思考獨排眾議,提供有意義而能解決問題的傾聽。

If the day-to-day life you favour has a particular shape, the space should have the ability to gently support the practice. Gentour Studio grows places with this calling. Integrating perspectives from psychology into the design process, the interior design and styling atelier Gentour Studio seeks harmony that better reflects the inner needs.

The intension.

品牌名 Gentour 一字,是為英文的 “gentle” 與法文的 “contour” 兩字結合,提點創辦人曾經旅居法國深造、向東西方豐富文化汲取靈感之際,也帶出設計公司渴望打造能使人柔軟陷入的空間的初心。

Our name Gentour is a combination of the English word "gentle" and the French word "contour". It ignites the education of the founder gained in France and the inspirations of rich culture from both the oriental and the western. Gentour Studio intends to create space that people can soak in effortlessly.

The notion.

Gentour Studio 由畢業自法國國立應用工藝美術學院 (ENSAAMA) 室內建築系碩士的蘇芮萱執導,因此設計語彙之中,可見巴黎帶給她的底蘊與啟發。

Directed by Ruei-Hsuan Su, an École nationale supérieure des arts appliqués et des métiers d'art (ENSAAMA) graduate, Gentour Studio invites notions from her years of stay in Paris.